Deigh is Super Excited About Twinkies Being Back!

Today I was plodding through my local Walmart when I saw perhaps the most amazing gift that mankind has received in the last four years: golden sponge cake, sweet white cream, three ivory puncture holes, all wrapped in crinkly cellophane.

That’s right, friends and neighbors, I present to you the Sweetest Comeback in the History of Ever:


Twinkies are childhood. I can’t even tell you the first time I tasted a Twinkie, but I cannot remember a time without them. I’ve had them fresh, slightly stale, warm, cold, frozen, deep-fat-fried. I even did this once:

Sometimes, when I would come home after school and the bullies had hit me and the teachers had been mean, my mummy would be right there with a fresh Twinkie and a cup of grape Kool-Aid.

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I know, I know, It’s Like I Fell Off The Face Of The Planet, or Something . . .

Sorry I have not been here. It has been super-freaky crazy around these parts. I am working on part 2 of the Indy retro and will have it up soon. Plus I have a bunch more goodies for my three readers out there. In the meantime, here is a picture of a woman about to get her face bit off:


Hope your day is better than hers.